St. Louis Structural Engineer | Bridge Engineering | Building Engineer | Structures, Inc.

Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek

This project replaces a deteriorated single span, 85-yr old bridge in St. Louis County.  Structures, Inc. was the prime consultant and provided the preliminary and final design for the new 50-ft single span precast, prestressed spread box beam bridge.  This project was federally funded (LPA) and also included improvements to the existing reinforced concrete U-channel maintained by the St. Louis MSD.

Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek

Posted in: Bridge Projects

  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek
  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek
  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek
  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek
  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek
  • Old Halls Ferry Road Bridge over Halls Ferry Creek